How to use your Zendant as a Pendulum

Did you know, your Zendants necklace can also double up as a pendulum? Pendulums are a divination tool that can help the Divine relay guidance through your higher-self. Divination tools such as pendulums, tarot cards, runes etc can help you strengthen your intuition.Β 

Connecting to your crystal

Begin by energetically cleansing your space. This can be done by burning white sage, incense or other smudging products. Open any windows too to allow as much fresh air in as possible.

Take a few minutes to connect to your crystal. Holding your crystal, close your eyes and take deep breaths, filling up your lungs as much as you can, then slowly release your breath. With each breath, visualise yourself intaking all of the crystal energy.

Once you feel ready, begin by asking the pendulum to show you ‘YES’. Take notice of how the pendulum swings (back and forth, in a circle, clockwise, in a flower shape etc). Thank the pendulum and use your other hand to reset and repeat, asking for the signal for ‘NO’.

The pendulum should spin differently for each answer. If you’re unsure you can repeat and even ask for it to be shown ‘stronger’ to you. I like to start with a simple question to which you know the answer, something like “is my name….”. This will reaffirm the way it swings for either a yes or no.

Time to play with your pendulum!

Time to have fun! Sit with your pendulum and think of any questions you’d like extra guidance with. You can also use it alongside tarot or oracle cards for a deeper, intuitive reading.

Remember, pendulums are a tool for divination to help you listen to your own intuition, it can not make big, life changing decisions without your own inner knowledge & it should be used with fun!