Luck, Leo Lunar & Lionsgate

We have a super powerful weekend ahead of us… and here’s why. There are so many things happening on 8th August, where do we even begin!?

We will be entering a New Moon in Leo, which is also the second one in a row as the previous New Moon was also in Leo! Leo represents fire, creativity, passion & self expression. On this same date, we also have the Lions Gate Portal!

What is Lions Gate?

Our Spiritual Sun, Sirius, is the second brightest star in the sky, next to the Sun and is commonly associated with abundance & fertility. During Lions Gate, Sirius rises and is in perfect alignment with the Earth & the Sun. This portal of energy is open from 28th July and peaks on 8th August every year. It is called Lions Gate, as it occurs when our Sun is in Leo, which represents the expression of the Divine. 

During this time, we can harness so much abundance and love both individually and to humanity on Earth as a whole. The energetic, spiritual and vibrational upgrade of this powerful Portal can bring to all of us some hope.

The significance of 8/8

All of this fiery Leo energy, both with the peak of the Lions Gate Portal and the New Moon in Leo AND being in the current Leo Sun sign, falls on the date of 8/8. What’s the significance you say? Well, it really adds another layer of magic to this already powerful time!

In numerology, the number 8 represents a vibrational frequency of tackling challenges, rising above any adversity, and embracing opportunities. The physical shape of the number 8 is also the symbol for infinity turned on its side, showing balance of giving and receiving, being in alignment and the constant flow of yin & yang.

As this date of abundance also falls on the New Moon, it really is an incredible time to manifest what you want to bring more of into your life. 

Take 8/8 action!

  • Keep a journal of any thoughts or feelings that come up during this time
  • Make a note of any dreams you have, can you decode any messages within them?
  • Be aware of any messages or signs from Spirit, such as feathers & seeing angel numbers (such as 11:11) 
  • Start a new project! Stop procrastinating and do it… this is a time to believe in your abilities
  • Create a crystal grid to anchor the energy into your life, home & manifestations
  • Write down your intentions & do a New Moon ritual
  • Wear or keep crystals on you that are ideal for during this time! (see below)

Your Lions Gate Crystals

Keep these crystals close to you or use them in a crystal grid.


Keeping calm & clearing internal thoughts to help mental clarity.

Lapis Lazuli

To help communication & connection to other realms while developing intuition.

Tigers Eye

Offering strength & power to help boost your manifestations.


Helps envision your dreams, boost creativity & increase abundance.


Boosts spiritual growth & helps release past repetitive behaviours.