The beginner's guide to meditation...

If you’re new to meditation, it’s a good idea to start small. Here’s our top tips on how to get the best out of meditation.

Practice, Practice, Practice

There's no such thing as too much meditation! Take every moment you can during your busy day to regain focus. Integrate it into your routine, sitting up in bed before you go to sleep, during your morning shower etc.

Start Small

Don't expect to run before you can walk. Begin by just a few minutes each day and gradually build the time up. You don't want it to feel like a chore, so it's important to keep it manageable.

Just Breathe...

It's as simple as that! Most of the time our breathing is completely subconscious. We have no idea how often we breathe in and out during the day. When we consciously breathe, filling your lungs right up, holding for a couple of seconds before slowly releasing, listening to the sound of your breath, it slows your heart rate down relaxing you & helping to focus your mind.

Comfort is Key

You can't expect to relax if you're not completely comfortable! There's no rule as to how you should position yourself to meditate, but generally sitting upright or lying on your back is most popular. Feel free to use as many cushions as you need!

Your Sacred Space

Make this sanctuary your own! I love to make it as sensual as possible. Open the window for as much fresh air as possible, light a candle or some incense with some soft lighting. Most importantly, make sure you won't be disturbed!

Expect To Think

People often think that meditation is all about clearing your mind, and if you have any thoughts then you must be doing it wrong.... WRONG! In actual fact it can help things to come to light, anything you need to take note of or release. Any unncessary thoughts that arise, allow them to come and then release and refocus on your breathing.