Using Crystals in a Meditation

If you’re new to meditation, it’s a good idea to start small. You can read our full Beginner’s Guide to Meditation if you wish, before you start.

Meditating with crystals is a great way to absorb the energies and healing properties of the crystal, reaping the benefits fully! You can hold the crystal, place it on your body (as a necklace!) or even create a crystal grid.

Once you’re nice a relaxed, in a comfortable position, study your crystal. Take notice of its unique features, colour, texture, inclusions, chips or points.

Now, close your eyes and visualise your crystal in your third eye, or your mind’s eye. You know, where your daydreams happen? Go there. Breath consciously in the present moment absorbing your crystal’s energy.

You can ask your crystal for any guidance you need right now, take notice of any feelings or messages that you get.

You can even visualise being inside your crystal, like it's a giant cave! Visualise how the light reflects off it.

Once you feel your meditation is complete, thanks for the crystal for the connection and ground your energy to bring you back into the here and now.

There are several ways in which you can ground yourself, such as walking barefoot on grass, hugging a tree (either visualising or in reality), visualising a waterfall washing over you and your feet being connected through deep roots, right down to the earth’s core.