Merry Mabon!

Nature is about to show us how beautiful letting go is…

September 22nd is the Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon.

I always seem to think that my favourite season is whichever the one we are going into it… but I find Autumn such an exciting time!

During the Autumn Equinox, the time between light and dark is equal, before the darkness of winter sets in. Everything in life must go through phases and cycles, and in order to grow and develop, we too must learn the art of letting go of what is no longer serving us. As well as releasing, it is a perfect time for relflection too, what do you want to bring into your life for the winter months? See this as your preparation time for the hibernation of winter, what do you need before we enter the winter cycle?

There’s so many ways you can celebrate Mabon, or even to just take the opportunity to check in with yourself. Embrace the change, we’re entering the season of warm homemade soups, conker collecting, Halloween and not to mention 3 pay days until Christmas!

Why not make yourself a gorgeous, rustic wreath to hang on your front door!

Crystals are a great tool to use for healing anything that we go through, to manifest and bring abundance into our lives as well as clearing anything negative that we hold within us!

Here are the best crystals to use during Mabon:

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